After completion of this training, the candidate will be familiar with the contents of the Dangerous Goods Regulations and will be able to deal with all types of dangerous goods covered by the Dangerous Goods Regulations. Specifically, he will be able to:
- apply the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations correctly.
- understand the legal aspects involved.
- be able to identify dangerous goods
- have knowledge of the origin of the current regulations and be aware of the general philosophy.
- identify the nine classes of dangerous goods by their principle criteria.
- recognise and identify the hazard/handling labels applicable to dangerous goods.
- recognise and identify dangerous goods package use and package specification markings.
- be able to identify potential hidden hazards in cargo;
- be aware of the provisions for dangerous goods in baggage of passengers and crew.
- Storage and loading
- follow general emergency procedures when a damaged/leaking package is discovered.
- Staff of freight forwarders involved in the handling, storage and loading of cargo or mail
- Staff of operator & Ground Handling agents involved in the handling, storage and loading of cargo or mail and baggage
- Warehouse Personnel
- Ramp Personnel
- Two Days Programme (Non Residential)
- 10+2
- Good Knowledge of English
- Instruction methodology will cover lectures, Audio-visual aids, Case studies, Group discussions, demonstrations; action oriented learning exercise, assignments and tests etc.